Blood Orange Curd

Mmmmmm morning. Sweet morning. Sweet-smelling tossed blue sheets sunshine streaming Innocence Mission kisses fleeting morning.

A morning that calls for a celebration, if only that celebration celebrates living. Praising citrus season, I'd stopped at our little co-op the evening before and filled my basket with blood oranges and lemons, and thinking perhaps that this morning would indeed be such a morning, set out to find a dessert-for-breakfast-esque experience.

(Being a chef sometimes means that you must prep ahead for the morning after.)

Partial to curds (curd is to England what crème brulée is to France in terms of MUST HAVE culinary tours of the respective regions and genres... both heavy on the eggs and sugar. Both a giggle of delight at breaking the crust with a spoon) I searched around for a recipe, and found a concise, simple version on Lavender and Lovage. The recipe below has been tweaked to suit my tastes (bring on the tart!)

Blood Orange Curd

3 medium blood oranges
2 large lemons
1 1/4 cup cane sugar
6 eggs
1/2 cup butter

Ready a bain-marie (double boiler) over low heat whilst you:

Grate the blood orange and lemon peel into a dish. Taking a second dish, squeeze the juice from recently-grated oranges and lemons. Strain seeds. Beat eggs into the juice, then add the sugar and butter. Pour mixture and grated peel into the bain-marie, stirring well. 

Minding that it doesn't heat too quickly, slow cook curd until the consistency tips from liquid to creamy. (This should take approximately ten minutes).

Transfer curd to clean jam jars and seal. Place in fridge with enough time to set (overnight) before breaking in. 


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